welcome to Aayan's life

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Hello cool my name is muhammad aayan i live in sparkhill birmingam uk my school is arden primary class year 3.

My favorite hoby is learning new things .am 8 years old  . I enjoy  the most reading and writing .

MY date of birth is 2007 1st october  thursday . I GO TO mosk  it starts on

 4 30 it ends on 6 00. my school starts on 9 00 it ends in 3 30.laughing

My Dad Pic

Aayan and shayaan Bioghraphy

Im Aayan age 9 yr old live in Birmingham.

My Favorite Things To Do


My activities

My favoerit activiteas are mostly lots of activeties that lots of people do. First of all as you know my school it has a big thing called Creative friday every year group splits up to difrent classes and do things. My first thing is Caushon making 

< P O S T , O F F I C E , C H O W K >